T. William Wallin-sato

T.William Wallin-sato is a Japanese American who works with formerly and currently incarcerated individuals in higher education. He is also a freelance journalist covering thecriminal justice system through the lens of his own incarcerated experience as well as an MFA student at CSU Long Beach. He can either be found near water and back alleys skipping along to harmonica notes. He studies Zen Buddhism in Northern California and has been published in Cold River Press, The Adelaide Anthology, Zaum, and a few anarchist literary publications. He was the winner of the Jody Stultz Award for Poetry in the 2020 edition of Toyon Literary Magazine. This is his first chapbook.

T. William Wallin-sato

36 page, plus cover, a chapbook of an extraordinary
American journey.

8 x 10, saddle stitched



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"I used to pick up heroin from a chinese poker player with an eye patch in Chinatown. I wish it were opium but I’m not that romantic. Although 9 out of 10 times I describe myself as a hopeless dreamer on clinic score cards found in methadone clinics and St. John Hospital Wards. The government doses the dead with a cherry flavored concoction that only lasts 24 hours. Genius. Diabolical. No wonder they have so much power. They say they don’t want free health care but secretly that’s how they pay for their mind control substances. We call it opiates. They call it regulation. We call it speed. They call it attention deficit disorder medication. We call it dissociation. They call it therapy. As long as they prescribe it legality isn’t an issue. This is America."